Dezinfekcija škola svaki sat? Nošenje maski u školama? Novi oblik psihičkog zlostavljanja djece u neregularnim uvjetima?


U Hrvatskoj nastava sigurno počinje 7. rujna, mjere će se vjerojatno prilagođavati po regionalnom kriteriju ovisno o epidemiološkoj situaciji, razredni odjeli morat će se smanjiti, uvest će se po potrebi i smjenska nastava, posebna pozornost posvetit će se učenicima i nastavnicima s kroničnim bolestima pa je moguće da će oni nositi i N95 maske, a maske će se sigurno nositi u zajedničkim prostorijama, dok je moguće da će biti potrebne i u onim učionicama gdje neće biti moguće držati distancu. Uz to stalno će se dezinficirati prostorije. Jedan od prijedloga je svaki sat. Nije li to pogubno po zdravlje?

Drugim riječima ministarstvo gura djecu u vrlo opasne uvjete, jer oni smatraju da je korona poput kuge. Oni se igraju sa zdravljem djece. Što će biti sa djecom koja završe u samoizolaciji, karanteni i svim čudima što je ovaj stožer izmislio? Da li je ovo zapravo stvorena psihička mučionica za djecu?

Zanimljiv je komentar srpskog političara Nikole Sandulovića na ovaj novi suludi način školovanja;

Nisam prvo verovao kada mi je danas javljeno iz Nemačke da se desio slučaj oduzimanja deteta od roditelja pošto mu je “ustanovljeno” da je pozitivno na COVID 19.
Ne dugo zatim mi je stigao ovaj jezivi snimak koji su mi poslali naši Republikanci Italije ( NIJE SNIMAK NASTAO U ITALIJI), na kome se vidi procedura odvodjenja deteta iz škole kada mu je ustanovljeno da ima ” simptome” COVIDA 19.


Zanimljiva je i informacija iz Italije o maltretiranju djece i njihovog normalnog razvoja.inbound8882901454475804010

Zbog čega ministar insistira na ovoj bolesnoj situaciji maltretiranja djece?  Mnoge škole koje ne ispunjavaju uvjete za normalno školovanje djece moraju biti zatvorene. Ovakvo školovanje ima oblike zlostavljanja zbog pokoravanja.

Dezinficiranje prostora plus nošenje maski itekako mogu našteti zdravlju. Zamislite dijete sa oštećenom štitnjačom kako će na ovo reagirati, a koliko djece može nakon ovoga oboliti na štitnjaču nakon ovakvog stresa? 


“Što se tiče dezinficijensa oni moraju imati aktivnu tvar i moraju se pravilno primjenjivati inače je njihova upotreba suvišna”.

I suvišna i šteti koži ruku. No, za to bar ima lijeka.Do tad sve što vam preostaje jest pripaziti čime se prskate. Jer, čini se, vjerovati najviše možete ipak samo sebi. -piše RTL.

Da li su roditelji upoznati sa dezinfekcionim sredstvima? Nisu. Zbog čega bi se uopće vjerovalo školama?

-Na nekim će vas mjestima osoblje bez pitanja poprskati po rukama, na drugim će vas dočekati natpis da ga obvezno upotrijebite. Gdje god ovih dana došli – ne možete zaobići dezinficijens za ruke. No što smo zapravo nanijeli na kožu – malo tko zna.

Činjenica je da liječnicima sve češće dolaze građani sa živim ranama, a mnogi i s pitanjem – štiti li uopće sveprisutna tekućina od korone?

To neko novo normalno donijelo nam je i ovo. Svaka trgovina, kafić, restoran, ljekarna, bilo koji prostor koji posjećujete, neće vas rado prihvatiti ako na ruke ne našpricate ono što su vam oni priredili. Trebao bi to biti službeni dezinficijens koji ubija korona virus, ali mnogi sumnjaju u to što im je servirano.-pisao je svojevremeno RTL.

Stožer objavljuje podatke zaraženih i oboljelih, kao da je statistički ured, nesposobsan dati rješenja krivi narod da je neodgovoran. Školstvo u kaosu. Ministarstvo zapravo ugrožava zdravlje djece. Rade li to samo da bi se natjera djecu na cijepljenje? 


Predviđaju se žuti bedževi za djecu koja nisu cijepljena u nekim zemljama. Ne podsjeća li vas ovo na nacizam i Židove?

Koji su efekti 5g tehnologije na našu djecu? Imamo li mi pravo išta znati?

Adverse health effects of artificial electromagnetic fields, such as from cell phones, antennas and WiFi routers, with special focus on children and adolescents


Olle Johansson, former head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and former adjunct professor of The Royal Institute of Technology, also Stockholm, Sweden, now retired and leading The Institute of Common Sense for Common Sense, Utö, Sweden

The body of evidence on health effects of artificial electromagnetic fields requires a new approach to protection of public health; the growth and development of the fetus, and of children; and argues for strong preventative actions. These conclusions are built upon prior scientific and public health reports documenting the following:

1) Low-intensity (non-thermal) bioeffects and adverse health effects are demonstrated at levels significantly below existing exposure standards.

2) ICNIRP and IEEE/FCC public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete with respect to prolonged, low-intensity (non-thermal) exposures.

3) New, biologically-based public exposure standards are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide.

4) It is not in the public interest to wait.

In my presentation I will hint at the historic background of electricity and electromagnetic fields, how suspicions early arose that such fields and signals could have negative health effects, and how it lead to today’s public discussion all over the world. I will go into more depth about the scientific research results regarding adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields, and the urgent need for completely independent research projects to be be inaugurated immediately to ensure our public health. These projects must be entirely independent of all types of commercial interests; public health can not have a price-tag! It is also of paramount importance that scientists involved in such projects must be free of any carrier considerations and that the funding needed is covered to 100%, not 99% or less. This is the clear responsibility of the democratically elected body of every country.

With the very recent American National Toxicology Program’s study (2016-2018), which found a clear link between radiofrequency radiation from mobile phones and malignant gliomas of the brain and schwannomas in the heart of rats, and the Italian Ramazzini rodent exposure/cancer results (2018/2019) supporting the first, the above is of even stronger importance. And the implications of the most recent findings – by Taheri et al from 2017 – of bacteria exposed to mobile phone and WiFi radiation turning resistant to antibiotics are chilling, to say the least, and may easily explain the on-going huge and highly frightening development into more and more antibiotics-resistant microorganisms around the world. The latter has very recently summoned the G20 countries – in 2017 – to discuss the fact that each year more than 25,000 Europeans die prematurely due to antibiotic resistance. By the year 2050 it has been calculated to be about 10,000,000 humans world-wide, and neither of these two estimations has taken into account the Taheri et al findings, thus, the 10,000,000 can easily instead become 7,600,000,000…not then counting all livestock dying for the same reason.

Numerous studies and reports, expert statements and overviews correctly states that “there is a strong suspicion of harm from man-made electromagnetic fields”, and calls for the use of the Precautionary Principle as originally given by the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. The World Health Organization (WHO) has thereafter classified powerfrequent magnetic fields (by 2001) as well as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (by 2011) as possibly carcinogenic (2B), and recently, in 2012, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that mobiles can cause a brain tumour. Thus, we can immediately cross out the idea that these techniques would be safe, not even the WHO believes it – and they still have a category into which such proven safe exposures would fall (“Class 4 – proven human non-carcinogen”). The question now is instead how big the risk is and what we accept the risk to cost. Instead of avoiding the issue, it’s high time to be completely outspoken, blunt, even to the point of rudeness, and to call things by their proper names without any ‘beating about the bush’. To guarantee our and the Planet’s health this is the only way forward. I say loudly: call a spade a spade, please!

Recently, in addition, a bill to ban phones in schools was introduced in France in 2009, and further tightened in January 29, 2015. Bans came into effect in places like Nigeria in 2012, around the time that teachers in the Solomon Islands called for phones to be banned in their schools. Uganda banned phones in schools in 2013, one year after Malaysia reaffirmed its own similar ban. And it’s not only been in schools where young people have been prohibited from using their phones over the years. In one prefecture in Japan in 2014 children were not allowed to use phones after 9 pm, not long after the government in Belgium has announced measures to restrict the use of mobile phones by young children, sales of mobile phones to children under 7 years will be banned in shops and also on the internet, and adverts for mobile phones during children’s programmes on TV radio and the internet will also be banned. In 2015, bans on student use of phones inside and outside of schools were considered in Indonesia, and in 2013 in South Korea experts have noticed a surge in teenagers with poor memory. This new “dementia” causes deterioration in cognitive abilities more commonly seen in people who have suffered a head injury or psychiatric illness. Experts blame game consoles and mobile phones for this worrying trend. Furthermore, a press release by February 27, 2017, has been sent out about Maryland State’s Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Advisory Council being the first in USA to issue new recommendations to reduce Wi-Fi exposure of children, and a similar press release from March 6, 2017 tells us that “Cyprus Removes Wi-Fi from Kindergartens and Halts Wireless Deployment Into Public Elementary Schools”. As a Swede I must, however, strongly wonder: in all these impressive statements and decisions … where is my own country Sweden? We cover our children in strongly coloured overalls, reflective vests, safety helmets, bicycle helmets, and more, but allow them to walk ‘naked’ in relation to the ambient artificial electromagnetic fields which have been cancer-classified by the WHO for nearly two decades!

Some organizations that definitely, and to 100%, trust the current scientific results and our common knowledge about potential health effects of man-made, artificial electromagnetic fields, are the manufacturers, the operators, the radiation protection authorities and even the World Health Organization since they all (cf. below) have abandoned ship years ago. It is also, of course, no surprise that electromagnetic radiation no longer is covered by insurance as a result of health problems. The British insurance giant Lloyd’s – together with other insurance and reinsurance companies – has launched a very vigilant move. Damage to health due to direct or indirect exposure to the electromagnetic radiation of our modern gadget-driven world are no longer covered by their insurance policies. So do not call the insurance companies in the future if you have become ill or sick due to mobile phone radiation, or if your child has come down with childhood leukemia due to powerfrequent magnetic field exposure, or an aggressive brain tumour or malignant heart cancer due to cell phone or Wi-Fi tablet radiation, since your health insurance does not cover it. You better look for the telephone number to your government and parliament since they allowed the public blanketing roll-out of these exposures. So you will have to – in the future – sue your government and parliament, meaning you will sue yourself since these administrative structures of society use your tax money to cover their backs. In addition, critical whistleblowing scientists, casting long and large shadows of doubt on these so-called “safe” gadgets, have effectively been removed, instead of supported, so the roulette is right now spinning. But will it end as a Wheel of Fortune … or will it end in disaster?