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Zastupnik u parlamentu postavlja pitanje britanskoj vladi o upotrebi midazolama tijekom pandemije

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Neovisni član parlamenta Andrew Bridgen pitao je britansku vladu o upotrebi midazolama i morfija na starijim pacijentima tijekom "pandemije".

U nedjelju je g. Bridgen objavio audio snimak ispod na svojoj Facebook stranici uz naslov:

“Zbog toga postavljam Vladi pitanja o NG163 i upotrebi midazolama i morfija na starijim pacijentima u domovima za njegu i bolnicama tijekom pandemije covida-19. Doći ćemo do istine po ovom pitanju.”

Andrew Bridgen MP na Facebooku , 26. veljače 2023. (audio, 3 minute)

NG163 dao je liječnicima opće prakse i drugim medicinskim radnicima zeleno svjetlo za korištenje moćnih lijekova kao što su morfin sulfat, midazolam i levomepromazin u situacijama na kraju života koje proizlaze iz covida.

Nacionalni  institut za zdravlje i izvrsnost skrbi  (NICE”) izdao je NICE brze smjernice NG163 3. travnja 2020., koje su u međuvremenu izbrisane s njihove web stranice. Srećom,  još uvijek ga možete pronaći na Wayback Machineu , a pdf kopiju možete pročitati OVDJE .

Daljnje čitanje:

Nemojmo izgubiti dodir… Vaša Vlada i Big Tech aktivno pokušavaju cenzurirati informacije koje izvještava TheIzložitislužiti vlastitim potrebama. Pretplatite se sada kako biste bili sigurni da ćete primati najnovije necenzurirane vijesti u vašem inboxu…

U utorak je Maajid Nawaz  razgovarao s  gospodinom Bridgenom  i medicinskim istraživačem Stuartom Wilkiejem o nevjerojatno ozbiljnim optužbama obitelji žrtava da je britanska država pod ministrom zdravstva Mattom Hancockom odobrila politiku prisilne  masovne eutanazije  starijih osoba u staračkim domovima i bolnicama pomoću lijek za osuđenike na smrt, midazolam i morfij, pod maskom smrti ' od covida '.

Maajid Nawaz: Warrior Creed sa Stuartom Wilkiejem i Andrewom Bridgenom u parlamentu, 28. veljače 2023. (81 minuta)

Sljedeće bilješke o emisiji koje prate gornji videozapis izvorno je objavio Radical Media na Substacku OVDJE .


Liverpoolski "Care" Pathway ("LCP") bio je NHS-ov  smrtni protokol za njegu na kraju života  koji su britanske ustanove za njegu primijenile kako bi ubile starije pacijente nakon što se procijenilo da više nisu vrijedni spašavanja. Ne, ova izjava više nije ni kontroverzna. LCP je nakon toga zabranjen.

Dodatno čitanje: 'Arogancija' liječnika JOŠ UVIJEK koristi zabranjeni put smrti jer 'misle da znaju što je najbolje za pacijente' , Daily Mail, 16. prosinca 2015.

Ovo ima presedana. U Memorijalnoj bolnici Gošport čak je i predmet produljenog kriminalističkog istraživanja.

Dodatno čitanje: Osoblje bolnice Gosport War Memorial bit će intervjuirano pod oprezom zbog stotina smrti , Sky News, 28. rujna 2022.

Gledajte: O midazolamu i putevima "njege" na kraju života , Radical with Maajid Nawaz , 14. kolovoza 2022. (90 minuta)

Radical Media izvještava 27. siječnja iz Portsmouth Newsa:

Protokol smrti: NG163

Godine 2020. stari i zabranjeni protokoli smrti na kraju života  zamijenjeni  su novim protokolom s oznakom NG163. 

This is it: Covid-19 rapid guideline: managing symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community, NICE guideline [NG163], National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, updated 13 October 2020

So, what is NG163?

Readers may be surprised to know that it is in fact the same as the Liverpool “Care” Pathway, using the same drugs Midazolam and morphine, while the only thing that was banned was the name.

Watch: On Christmas for Our Special In-Studio Live Interview with Neil Oliver, Radical with Maajid Nawaz, 25 December 2022 (106 mins).  Excerpt on Twitter HERE (2 mins)

The Palliative Care Professor Who Warned Us

The fact that this new end-of-life care death protocol NG163 was in need of “review” was raised by one of the UK’s most senior palliative care professors, Sam Ahmadzai in the British Medical Journal at the time.

Here is that letter to editors from 2020: Managing Covid-19 symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community: summary of NICE guidelines, British Medical Journal, 20 April 2020

Nothing was done.

And MPs who voted for this new protocol were not informed of any concerns. Instead, the policy was rolled out and implemented at speed during a time when health authorities were pushed to rush everything through in the name of the public health “emergency”.

The Dawning

What occurred after that point is the subject of multiple victim family testimonies provided [in Radical Media’s Substack article] for all to hear.

In essence – and shockingly – the UK state seems to have sanitised the administration of mass death of the elderly in care facilities.

In the Warrior Creed special from 28 February 2023, Maajid Nawaz also spoke to medical researcher Stuart Wilkie. Mr. Wilkie stated that doctors were given around one minute to place anyone they evaluated as being between 6-9 on the below clinical frailty scale onto the NG163 end-of-life care death pathway.

We know that this is hard to process. But process it you must.  Just as Andrew Bridgen MP has now done. This is why he has raised questions to Parliament about these serious allegations.

Watch: Euthanasia in the pandemic? Dr. John Campbell, 13 February 2023 (8 mins)

The video that Andrew Bridgen MP posted above is by medical lecturer Dr. John Campbell. It is titled: Euthanasia in the pandemic?

Dr. Campbell has himself recently processed the very same concerns, questioning the now known and incredibly worrying UK excess death rate.

Watch: International concern, excess deaths, Dr. John Campbell, 11 February 2023 (13 mins)

In fact, former Radical Show guest and early whistle-blower Dr. Sam White (who won his case against the General Medical Council after they censored him over his covid dissent) has also processed it.

As has former global Head for Respiratory Illnesses at Pfizer, the whistle-blowing Dr. Mike Yeadon, when he spoke to us on The Radical Show podcast episode 22.

Watch: On Happy New Year with David Icke, Radical with Maajid Nawaz, 1 January 2023 (86 mins).  Excerpt on Twitter HERE (2 mins)

In the US, a similar policy was rolled out using the drug Remdesivir.

This Will Not Just Go Away

The above allegations are incredibly serious.

If proven in a court of law they would become perhaps the most shocking and most heinous Crime Against Humanity since WWII. This is why Andrew Bridgen MP has put questions before Parliament about this issue. Radical Media will update you just as soon as this story develops. 

All that remains is to inform you that the UK Health Secretary at the time, Matt Hancock, is now campaigning to legalise euthanasia.

No, this is not a joke.

Yes, this is true.

Further reading: Matt Hancock ‘plans series of serious documentaries’ on assisted dying and dyslexia after he stands down from role as MP at next election, Daily Mail, 11 December 2022

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1 day ago

Seems like most of the decision makers are still in their bubble of wilful ignorance and subconscious resistance. Looking forward to the moment that bubble will burst !

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 day ago

Depends how BIG the bubble gets before it bursts? Methinks…

Midazolam manija
Midazolam Mania
Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 day ago

Well said Voice from Europe, well said! The stars come out at night, it does seem to be true.

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 day ago

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COPY This Website OPEN HERE…limitedjobs12.blogspot.com

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
15 hours ago

It won’t, limited hangout, we all knew the Midazolam scandal, all who red alternative news. Now that the truth is out about two years, they need some limited hangout. I have no trust in this man, he is very LATE.

1 day ago

Thank goodness for people like Andrew

1 day ago

My sister and brother in law both died from midazolam in December 2020. Leaving 5 children parentless. all to get the numbers up on this nonsense. People need to be accountable

Dosta Bobe
Enough Bob
Reply to  Les
1 day ago

If the people don’t hold them accountable then no one else will. As such, they will never be held accountable.

povratni trag
1 day ago

[…] Go to Source Follow altnews.org on Telegram […]

Dosta Bobe
Enough Bob
1 day ago

II’d like to ask “Bridgen” about the £10m of taxpayers money he pays himself every year, the £160,000 he pays to his “secretary” every year to “answer” the letters from his “constituents”, the £150,000 a year he pays to his bodyguards to protect him from the people he “represents”, and the 365 days a year free chauffeur driven limousine he has to get between his £5m house in the country and “parliament”. I’d also like to know how his “constituents” can get him to do or not do as they want, what he’s done to stop the immigration, what he did to protect his “constituents” from forced “vaccination”, what he’s done to stop the money being paid to the j.wkraine, and how much “tax” he pays. Just little things…

Glas iz Europe
Reply to  Enough Bob
1 day ago

Shouldn’t you just ask him ?

Glas iz Juka
Reply to  VoicefromEurope
1 day ago

How would that work exactly? He has armed guards. He lives in a mansion with 10 foot fences around it. Nothing you write will ever be read by him. Wake up from your delusions already.

1 day ago

The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. It tells them what to do and when. In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These ‘fronts’ go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. As Disraeli wrote: “So you see. . . the world isgoverned by very different personages from what is imagined. P42 Disraeli, in 1844, in his book Coningsby, frankly states that:
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” In the Wiener Freie Presse on December 24th, 1921 the Jewish Walter Ratbenau wrote precisely the same thing when he said:“Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage.        https://chinhnghia.com/Griffin-DescentIntoSlavery1980.pdf 

Rabin Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Andy
1 day ago

Have you read Cherap-Spirodovich or anything by Poncins?

There is no point reading books published after WW2.

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
13 hours ago

“No point reading books published after WW2,” a very sagacious statement if I may say so!
For the last twenty years or so, all the books I have read (apart from the Book) were written by old time Bible prophecy writers, mainly from the Victorian age!

povratni trag
1 day ago

[…] – Member of Parliament asks the UK Government about the use of midazolam during the pandemic […]

Rabin Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 day ago

The most shocking crime of WW2 was Britain’s Lindemann Plan.

If you don’t pay them taxes, they want you gone.

The dole dwellers are needed to vote for Labour – the quickest route to a One WorldGovernment.

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 day ago

“dole dwellers”? Does it ever occur to you “rabbi” that there aren’t enough jobs in britain. And yet you’re importing millions more.

bangbangsrebrni čekić
1 day ago

Godspeed Andrew Bridgen.

Reply to  bangbangsilverhammer
1 day ago

I’m guessing this was voted down by someone who believes in viruses. How, pray tell, has the entire continent of africa not been decimated given that practically no one is jabbed? Ditto india. Then there’s the uk: no jabs and no protection for a year, yet no supposed dead to speak of. I say “supposed” because the “government” itself admits that the few dead that it claims died of a virus are simply those where the death certificate mentions “covid” (ie. where the “doctor” wrote it on a piece of paper, with no knowledge or proof of any such thing).

bangbangsrebrni čekić
Reply to  me2
14 hours ago

Službeno, zarazio sam se 'virusom' SARS-COV-2 jer sam bio pozitivan na 'bolest' COVID-19. Bio sam jako loše s tom 'bolešću', međutim, zapravo sam se osjećao kao da me je nešto opkolilo, a ne da sam patio od ikakvih respiratornih problema ili kašlja (i ljeti). Mogu samo sumnjati da nešto stavljaju u vodu. Dodaju biološke agense ili otrovne kemikalije u vodoopskrbu u kontroliranim dozama i to samo u određenim područjima gdje tada dolazi do 'izbijanja' 'virusa'.